With over 30 years of experience in the publishing industry
in Sri Lanka, BT Options has been a pioneer in many areas across the country. Our extensive distribution network and dedicated sales team have positioned us as a market leader in our specialized subject areas.
Our journey has been long and ever-evolving, yet we have remained true to our values and principles, which define who we are today. BT Options is a proud, registered, independent Sri Lankan company.
BT Options offer a wide array of services. We operate in a modern hi-tech Apple Mac Environment and claim to
be the largest Apple Mac environment in Sri Lanka. Our operations have been streamlined
with an ERP solution developed by HansaWorld UK.
We cater publications to some of the leading magazines in Sri Lanka
We also produce coffee table books, annual reports, magazines for other corporate clients, posters, leaflets & brochures.
Advertising campaigns, photoshoots, and editorial content are among our many services.
We deliver full-cycle services in software development, web-based enterprise solutions.
We own and operates our flagship retail brand name – BT STORE.
We are fully equipped with the latest and high-end cameras and lenses
BT Options is the publisher of Explore Sri Lanka, Business Today, Serendib, the inflight magazine of Sri Lankan Airlines, Domus Sri Lanka & Time Out Sri Lanka. All our magazines come in print form.
BT Store is a stylish Mac environment with a range of Apple products, & offers services and repair. It offers upbeat music and a display of handpicked books.
BT Options is proud to have 4 stunning hotels. Paper Moon Kudils, ArugamBay Roccos, Peanut Farm & ArugamBay PodBay are 4 amazing hotels situated in the surfing capital of Sri Lanka.
Advertising campaigns, photoshoots, and editorial content are among our many services.
Find us on Magzter, the world’s largest digital newsstand, Magzter. Scroll through as we continue to upload past and current issues (magazines) on Magzter.